The Tattvasaṃgraha (TS) written by Śāntarakṣita (ca.725–784) and its commentary, the Tattvasaṃgrahapañjikā (TSP) by Kamalaśīla (ca. 740–797), criticized different types of ātma-vāda or "the doctrine of Self" advocated by the current Indian philosophical thinkerṣ The 6th Section of the TSP, kk.336–349, of Chapter 7 deals with the pudgala theory propounded by the Vātsīputrīya, one of the most influential Buddhist schools in India. Two Sanskrit manuscripts of both TS and TSP are extant at Jaina temples in Jesalmer (TS(P)J) and Pattan (TS(P)P) in India (totally 2×2=4 msṣ). There have so far been published two critical editions, i.e., one by E. Krishnamacharya included in Gaekwad’s Oriental Series (GOS) which was published in 1926 on the basis o...